Board Meeting Minutes 2013-05-07

From OpenStreetMap Foundation

Minutes of the

OpenStreetMap Foundation Board Meeting (Telephone Conference)

on 07 May 2013 20:00 UK / 21:00 CET


Board members:

  • Matt Amos
  • Henk Hoff
  • Oliver Kühn
  • Dermot McNally
  • Simon Poole (chairing)
  • Frederik Ramm (minutes)


  • Steve Coast

1. Circular Resolutions

19 April (initiated by Henk):
The OWG is asking for £29,760 in order to purchase a new DB server, see below. - Decided by a majority on the mailing list, on the 19th.

2. Working Group Action Plans

Board unanimously decides to approve all currently submitted WG action plans & budgets that are under 20k UK pounds; approves up to 20k for budgeting by OWG; anything above that will need to be raised from donations, and we will revisit OWG’s budget after the current fundraiser. We currently consider CWG’s submission (which didn’t have a number) to be £1k, but invite them to come back to us if they need any more - with a proper budget with a number this time.

For the next round of working group action plans, we should provide a short set of guidelines with regard to what should be in them, since they are very diverse at the moment.

3. Budget (2013 and future)

Board unanimously agrees that we should try and get working groups to submit budgets by October of the previous year.  

4. Request from Richard Fairhurst for release of membership list

Board decides with a 5:1 majority (Matt against on privacy grounds) that:

  • Richard will be given only the names that are on the list of people who have signed up accordingly to;
  • The list will contain the names of persons who are not more that 1 year behind on payment of their fee;
  • Richard will only be allowed to use the list for his SotM presentation mentioned in his request.

5. Trademark Registration

Short informative discussion about who is driving the trademark process and who is deciding the scope of registrations. No decisions taken.

6. State of the Map Baltics

Dermot will visit the State of the Map Baltics.

Meeting End

22:20 CET (21:20 UK)