Board/Minutes/2020-10-S2S/Board capacity and sustainability
< Board | Minutes | 2020-10-S2S
Notes by participants. Might be enriched.
Board members
- Allan Mustard (Chairperson)
- Guillaume Rischard (Treasurer)
- Joost Schouppe (Secretary)
- Mikel Maron
- Paul Norman
- Rory McCann
- Tobias Knerr
First part
During the first part of the discussion board members shared personal views and experiences on the issue. The facilitator asked for no notes to be taken.
- Articles of Association (AoA) change: Non board members on committees.
- Establish a Budget committee.
- Board members should feel free to set personal boundaries (e.g. set inaccessibility hours) .
- Force breaks (e.g. lockdown of circulars during summer/winter holidays, Sundays off).
- Selection on what to focus on/not overstretch.
- Potentially increase number of board members (max 9).
- Needs to be discussed with membership.
- Decision before the call for candidates.
- Might increase noise to signal ratio.
- Bring on a 2nd administrative assistant.
- Comment that Dorothea also does Working Group (WG) related tasks.
- More frequent check-ins between board members.
- Ask for help, indicate problems early, drop 1 thing instead of under-delivering on multiple things.
- Explore executive director role?
- Empower Dorothea to nudge the board.
- reminded Dorothea she can ask for board to spend money to make her job easier.
- Bolster Communication Working Group (CWG).
- Suggestion for videomeeting.
- Getting part-time person doing public relations writing.
- More structure for informal stuff vs relaxing environment.
- Use loomio more?
- Limit number of board members participating in meetings with other groups, once trust has been built.
- Limit number of WGs that each board member can be involved with.
Other points mentioned
- Allan offered to be approached by board members who might want help.*
- Proactively ask for help more.
- Free to drop action items if a lot of time has passed and cannot be reassigned.
Action items
- Board to set post-election timeline.
- Dorothea to see which tasks would be better to focus on and which might make sense to be done by volunteers.