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MINUTES for the

OSMF Board Meeting

Location: Mumble, Monday 15 June 2015, 7:00 PM UTC


Board members

  • Kate Chapman (chair)
  • Paul Norman (minutes)
  • Frederik Ramm
  • Henk Hoff
  • Kathleen Danielson
  • Dermot McNally


Not Present

  • Oliver Kühn


Previous minutes


Circular Resolutions

None passed since last meeting.

Previous action items

2015-02-16: Kathleen to let the SOTM-WG know we're defining the vision of SOTM for the OSMF (Done)
2015-02-16: Kathleen to report back our SOTM discussion in a way that captures the nuance of what was covered and allows for continued conversation (Done)
2015-02-16: Henk to find board members to peruse each 2015 goal
2015-04-03: Kate to follow up on non-public matter. (Done)
2015-04-03: Kathleen to draft advisory board proposal
2015-05-09: Henk to have plan by next meeting for moving forwards and any costs for customizing CiviCRM
2015-05-09: Kate to set up Loomio (Done)

Advisory board

Kathleen to work with Kate to have something for next meeting

CiviCRM for Membership

Dave Corley has left the membership WG, formerly chair Henk spoke to Jonathan Harley at sotm-us, he was going to resume work
Dave updated planning spreadsheet (link?)

SOTM US signups

Estimated 50 people indicated an interest in becoming OSMF and OSM US members at SOTM US and gave their contact information.

Henk to talk to Martijn about coordinating and drafting a joint email.

See if SOTM US organizers are sending a follow-up email and if we could have something in that about joining OSMF. Probably open to it. Henk to coordinate.


Board rules of order require that gifts or reimbursement of expenses by third parties appear in the minutes and are listed in quarterly financials.

OSMF Board members attended a private event at State of the Map US with US conference sponsors, and some of the US board and HOT board. This was probably under the policy limit, but is disclosed in the interests of transparency. No precise value for the event is known.

Kate Chapman and Henk Hoff traveled at Apple's expense to meet them.


Need to make sure third parties offering gifts or reimbursement of expenses are aware that it will be disclosed.

Is there a way to keep disclosure vague, e.g. say a public company?

No, rules are clear.

Publicly recording board member votes

Many members are requesting that board votes have how members voted recorded for publicly minuted items.

Survey of other open data/geospatial organization practices

Changing this would mean changing the rules of order.

Proposed change: Change "If votes are taken, the minutes will contain a tally of votes." to "If votes are taken, the minutes will contain the board member votes."


Not a good idea based on how community latches on to things and board's history of fighting.

People attack individual board members on the mailing list and we haven't always been cohesive.

Making the vote total provides a lot of clarity on how the discussion went and making clear who voted what doesn't help unity.

Defer for 6 months?

Makes the board like a parliament, but it isn't one. Transparency of how decisions are made, not the result is more important.

Not happy with the idea of putting names and numbers to each vote. Recent history has shown this will turn out in not very pleasant outcomes.


2 for, 4 against, no abstains. Paul on record as supporting.

Board observers

This item is deferred from previous meetings, and requested by members.

People would like to either observe public portions of our meetings or listen later.

There are no technical barriers to either option.

This would not be expected to increase secretary workload.

Some boards have completely public meetings and some completely closed, and some in-between.

Look for a couple of items in the next weeks that can be done in a public meeting.

Intend to make a meeting in the near future public, Paul to coordinate with HOT as we’re using their mumble and they have experience.

State of the Map working group

Proposal received from SOTM WG member to disband SOTM WG and restart it, retaining Rob as chair.

Other SOTM WG members disagreed with proposal.

Kate spoke to Rob (SOTM WG chair). He disagrees that the WG should be disbanded.

Concern raised about how to get more people involved with fundraising experience.

Conversation took place Monday at Samsung/Mapzen event with Kate, Kathleen, Randy, Alyssa.

Discussion on if full-time help (secondment or directly paid) is necessary.

Osgeo conference is looking at needing paid staff after their portland conference and the work required.

Concern from some about disbanding WG over objections of current and future chair.

Concern about disbanding WG based on allegations which aren't being shared with the board.

Proposal: The board supports Rob as chair of the SotM WG which includes enforcing the code of conduct and adding, removing and recruiting members to help make State of the Map a success.

Proposal accepted

Kate to liaise with Rob from the board side.

AGM 2015

We need to decide when and how to hold our next AGM.

At the next election there shall be at least two retirees, one of whom is Henk and the other is one of Oliver, Dermot, or Kate. (AoA 33-34). Absent one of these three deciding to retire, it shall be randomly selected.

Additional board members may decide to retire.

Suggestion of an online-based AGM in Autumn.

Corporate membership fee changes

s24 of the AoAs requires that any membership fee changes be approved by a general meeting.

Term limit for board members

Deferred, but need to start planning soon.

Hiring paid admin help




Next meeting

Private meeting in ~3 weeks, public in ~5.

Meeting End

1:44 PDT, 1h44m