Annual General Meetings/09
< Annual General Meetings(Redirected from Annual General Meetings/09 Agenda)
The 2009 AGM of the Foundation took place on 22 August 2009 and the offices of Cloudmade Ltd, Suite 1.06 Enterprise House, 1/2 Hatfields, London, SE1 9PG, UK (map) on Saturday 22nd August 2009 at 14.30 BST.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the last Meeting
3. Chairman's Report
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Election to Board
6. Any Other Business
Election of Officers
A total of 11 candidates including the entire 2008 board stood for election.
The results were as follows:
- Steve Coast 112 (re-elected)
- Andy Robinson (Blackadder) 112 (re-elected)
- Simone Cortesi 106 (elected)
- Mikel Maron 103 (re-elected)
- Michael Collinson 98 (re-elected)
- Henk Hoff 94 (re-elected)
- Ulf Möller 90 (elected)
- Nick Black 86
- George James (Etienne) 78
- Peter Miller 75
- Hurricane McEwen 52
Access to the AGM
It was possible to access the AGM via various dial-in numbers around the world. It had been planned to offer skype access the the meeting, however technical problems meant that this was not possible.
The osm:OpenStreetMap 5th Anniversary Birthday party took place in the evening.